It was not too long ago that I’ve done my research trying to identify the importance of user experience in businesses, particularly having stakeholders accepting UX within strategy, whether it’s connected to marketing, product, sales or customer service.

Now, only a few years later, it’s obvious that user experience is an invaluable asset for product and, not to mention, business success.

“The recognition of UX’s importance seems to be slowly sinking into corporate culture the way “brand” did a decade ago,” says Robert Fabricant, Co-Founder & Principal, Design Impact Group (DIG) at Dalberg Global Development Advisors. It’s the “new black” of the business world.

With that, let’s explore 5 trending user experience news articles that focus on the future of UX and its value as a tool to expand knowledge of your target market and build lasting products.

1. 2015 Top UX Predictions

By the UX Magazine Staff, published on UX Magazine

If you haven’t read UX Mag’s Top UX Trends of 2014, do so.

Anyway, UX Magazine compiled the responses of their contributors on 2015 predictions regarding user experience. According to their contributors, come 2015, we will witness UX growing bigger and bigger, with design experience working deeper into organizations, services, products, and of course into the lives of those who interact with them. There will be a rise in “slippy” UX, the death of web design, as well as the race from good to great in terms of customer experience will intensify.

Check out the full article to view the rest of the user experience predictions coming into 2015.

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2. Making User Experience Part of Business Strategy | Understanding a Product’s Target Culture

By Janet M. Six, published on UX Matters

This article focuses on answering questions, where experts in the field address various concerns that people normally have. It specifically provides rich information about a broad range of matters to do with user experience, be it user research, design, strategy, or any other burning topic for professionals in user experience.

Read the article in full to learn of the best ways to determine goals for a product, define a product vision, and most importantly integrate user experience into your business strategy, and more.

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3. When to Use Which User-Experience Research Method

By Christian Rohrer, published on Nielsen Norman Group

User experience research methods today answer many questions. So, creating a clear UX research strategy is crucial. If you want to know which user UX research method to use and at what time, Christian Rohrer has provided 20 methods across 3 dimensions over time within a typical product-development process. Which UX research methods will you use and when?

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4. Prototyping For Better Products, Stronger Teams And Happier Clients

By Scott Hurff, published on Smashing Magazine

Designers tend to share similar burdens when creating mobile products. They have creativity, but how to communicate their fresh interactions, animations, and transitions to their developers is a problem.

Find out more on how to overcome these problems and work for improved products, more efficient teams, and happier clients.

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5. The Definition of User Experience

By Jakob Nielsen and Don Norman, published on Nielsen Norman Group

I always found it valuable and useful to constantly refresh my knowledge of even the most basic terms to stay on top of my game. We’ve obviously seen user experience and its importance evolve in the past 5 to 10 years, so what better way to create a good user experience than to brush up on the basics?

In this article Nielsen and Norman, UX industry leaders, provides us with the true definition of user experience. UX encompasses every aspect of the interaction of the end-user with the company, as well as its products and services. The very first requirement for UX is to meet the needs of customers, without exposing them in bother or fuss.

There must be a seamless merging of all the services, which include marketing, engineering, industrial and graphical design, and interface design.

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Have you read any valuable user experience news articles this week that we haven’t covered? Feel free to share your top UX news with us via Twitter or Facebook.